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    Couples Counseling

    Making the decision to seek couples counseling is…

    not a something most couples want to even consider when difficulties arise in marriage. Couples want to believe that love is enough; and because you love one another you should be able to “get through” this difficult time. Truth be told marriage can sometimes be a difficult dynamic; and couples sometimes “get stuck” and can’t get through difficult circumstances. When this happens, seeking professional help may be the difference between staying married and the worst case scenario – divorce.

    Going to couples counseling…

    • Is an act of love and courage. Admitting things aren’t perfect in your partnership is scary and tough.
    • Basic conflict management. Helping couples find healthy and appropriate ways to address conflict that is inevitable in marital and interpersonal relationships.
    • Is a proactive approach to problem solving; not reactive. It’s dealing with the problem before the problems snowball out of control.
    • An investment in the longevity of your relationship. Marriage is the most important relationship you will ever have. Acting purposefully within your marital commitment will yield the best mental and emotional results over time.

    When should we seek couples counseling?

    Here are few things to consider when making the decision to seek couples counseling:

    • Trust has been broken
    • Arguments are more frequent
    • Communication is poor
    • You’re afraid to talk to your partner
    • When you start to keep secrets
    • When there is a significant shift with intimacy and/or sex
    • Ongoing relational issues that go unresolved
    • When divorce is being discussed

    Maybe we should wait to get help?

    Most couples wait too long to seek help; and by that time couples counseling becomes just a formality, not a realistic approach to address issues. If you are experiencing any of the above aforementioned, you may want to seek help sooner rather than later. Please do not hesitate – counseling could be the change you are in need of.